Our Services


We recognise that Court proceedings and the threat of losing your home can be very worrying and stressful. We can help.

Find a Barrister Service Charge Disputes

Our team of experts will help you in repossession and evictions

In most cases a landlord or mortgage lender must apply to court for a Possession Order before the property can be lawfully repossessed. Often this is because of rent or mortgage arrears. Alternatively there may be allegations of breach of a tenancy or mortgage conditions or your landlord may simply want the property back so that it can be sold or re-let. We recommend that you seek advice as early as possible as there may be a defence to the claim.

Once your landlord or mortgage lender has a possession order they may be entitled to apply to the court to evict you. We may be able to apply to court for you to postpone the eviction.

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