Privacy Policy

Century Legal is the brand name of Overmain Limited registered UK M4 6DE, 132 Great Ancoats Street Manchester, and declares that Century Legal works in a non-reserved legal capacity and provides guidance as provided by Legal Services Act 2007 and as provided within sections concerning non-reserved legal activities. Century Legal does not take responsibility for general views provided on this website and you must seek professional legal advice for any specific issues related to your legal matter. Any views expressed on this site are in a non-advisory capacity. Where matters concern reserved legal activity, Century Legal specifically recommends seeking the requisite guidance from a reserved legal activities professional, as provided by Legal Services Act 2007.

Century Legal is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. The integrity and future success of Century Legal is dependent on adhering to the strictest codes of confidentiality and the correct treatment of your personal data.

Your personal details and profile

Your contact details or name cannot be viewed by anyone except members of staff of Century Legal, members of staff at the company that is responding or processing your documentation, and trusted third-party partners, which includes and not limited to, other legal services firm or solicitors companies or barristers chambers. If you do not wish for your details to be viewable by third-party partner, you may request for this not to happen by emailing ‘Opt Out’ to

Any services you choose to engage in, will be strictly confidential between you, us and the our business partners, that is processing or advising on your matter. However you will understand that any of our advisors you talk to have the right to store your personal information on their own database for future use if you have agreed to engage in a service contract

Use of Information and Data Collection

Your personal details, including your name, e-mail address, contact data and documents, are held and used by us for the following purposes:

For taking into consideration any documents provided by you for advice by Century Legal or Partners.

For matching your details with searches, either through our database by e-mail service (if you have signed up) or through our proactive contact

For allowing trusted third-party partners to let you know of other services, including advertising any reserved services (you can opt out of this process by emailing ‘Opt Out’ to

It is possible that Century Legal could merge or be acquired by another business. If this happens, we may share the information that relates to you with the new owners of the business and their advisers. You will be sent notice of such an event. Other than in these circumstances, we do not and will not disclose your information to other parties without your consent.

We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so.

Methods of contact

Century Legal will contact you via phone or send you an email.

You may be contacted by either e-mail or phone as provided by you to inform you of our services and for an interview or reject you due to unsuitability for engagement. This will be done by Century Legal or the company who is assisting on your matter through us.

Century Legal reserves the right to contact you by email or phone to check your current status.

Data Protection

The information that you give us is termed “personal data” under the GDPR 2018. We therefore follow the principles set out in that Act when we process your personal data. All the personal data that we obtain from you is held on our central in-house database, as well as on a shared database accessed by our trusted third-party partners (unless you opt out of this process by emailing ‘Opt Out’ to

Changes to Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be changed by Century Legal at any time. If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will set out those changes here, so that you will always know what personal information we gather, the purposes we might use it for and to whom we might disclose it. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about Century Legal online privacy commitment, please feel free to send an e-mail to: